Daniel Gfeller

Daniel Gfeller is CFO and an important addition to our company. He has a background in business administration, economics and political science and is a trained educator (Lic.rer.pol). additional pedagogical/didactic training. He has extensive experience as a lecturer in finance and controlling at various universities and colleges in Switzerland, Germany, Austria and Poland.

Daniel has gained more than 20 years of experience in the field of international management consulting and has worked in various companies as a member of the Executive Board (CFO). He has extensive experience in the field of turnaround management and in the accompaniment of start-ups. The industry experience he has gained includes the areas of production, services and trade.

As an international business consultant, Daniel has extensive experience in the development of business strategies as well as in the optimization of processes. His experience as CFO allows him to understand the financial aspects of a company and to develop effective solutions in order to increase profitability and efficiency.

Furthermore, Daniel has extensive experience in the accompaniment of start-ups as well as in the development of business plans. His ability to explain complex financial concepts and his experience as a lecturer make him a valuable asset for our company.